5 Ways You Can Participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Every October, the AiRS Foundation participates in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This time of the year is specially set apart to raise awareness about the disease…
Every October, the AiRS Foundation participates in Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This time of the year is specially set apart to raise awareness about the disease…
Getting a breast cancer diagnosis is a moment in life unlike any other. It is shocking, usually terrifying, and often overwhelming. A lot of information gets thrown at you all at once…
If someone you love is considering, or has had, a mastectomy due to breast cancer and cannot afford reconstruction surgery, we are here to assist you…
Would you like your business to become more actively involved in giving back to the community? Are you looking for a breast cancer charity to support? We know there are many breast…
At the AiRS Foundation, we work hard to ensure that every woman who’s suffered from a mastectomy due to breast cancer receives the financial help they need for breast reconstruction…
While dealing with breast cancer is hard enough on its own, there is often the added difficulty of explaining your diagnosis to family members, friends, and, yes, your boss…
One of the most frightening and overwhelming feelings in the world is receiving a call from the doctor saying you have breast cancer. Everyone who receives this call responds differently…
When a loved one is diagnosed with breast cancer, our first response is to jump right in with offers to support her in any way we can. But sometimes, it’s difficult to know what, exactly…
Applying for a grant of any kind can be daunting. And when the opportunity to receive funds for an essential surgery is on the line, it can be especially so. We at the…
We at the AiRS Foundation are lucky to have a number of partners who help us offer financial assistance to breast cancer patients who have had mastectomies and want reconstructive surgery…