Five Websites Every Breast Cancer Patient Should Know

A breast cancer diagnosis of any kind is usually overwhelming and scary. There are so many questions, so much uncertainty, and patients often wonder where to turn for correct information and helpful support services.

Fortunately, there are a number of excellent websites that offer just that. We’ve put together this list of the five best websites that every breast cancer patient should know, in the hopes that you or your loved one can learn more about what a breast cancer diagnosis means.


This is the U.S. National Cancer Institute’s website which includes information on everything from the various types of cancer, to the kinds of treatments, to the grants available for covering healthcare costs. The Institute also offers live chats where you can ask a specialist your particular questions.


The American Cancer Society’s website offers information about cancer, as well as information about various support services available for patients. They also have local offices you can visit to ask more questions and gather additional information.


This nonprofit provides information about breast cancer in particular. Not only will you find information about treatment and symptoms, there is also a large section on what it’s like to live daily with breast cancer, which covers everything from how to maintain your work life to how to talk with your friends about your diagnosis.


The National Breast Cancer Foundation provides inspiration and support services to women battling breast cancer. They also provide free mammograms through their network of hospitals across the U.S.

5. Pink Ribbon International

Pink Ribbon International provides basic information about a breast cancer diagnosis, links to various support services that include everything from grants to cover health costs to scholarships for children, and lifestyle tips for living a fulfilling life while battling breast cancer.