My BRCA Journey by Allyn Rose
Allyn Rose via Instagram (@allynrose) I remember very distinctly the day that I was tested for the BRCA 1 and 2 mutations. I sat patiently in my OBGYN’s office, staring at the posters about birth control… pregnancy… STDs, but none of them referencing the decision that I was about to make. I was choosing to [...]
Genetic Testing for Breast Cancer
Preparation and knowledge are often the most important tools when facing health challenges. Genetic testing is an invaluable resource in determining if your family history increases your risk for breast cancer. The three most well-known genes that can determine a person’s risk for breast cancer are the BRCA1, BRCA2, and PALB2. Some cases of breast [...]
The Journey Of My Breasts
The Journey Of My Breasts The Journey Of My Breasts: A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Memoir By Melissa Berry aka Cancer Fashionista My breasts. They first started growing (or as my Mom would say “develop”) when I was about 11. I woke up one morning and felt these funny hard things just beneath the surface of [...]
Low-Fat Diet May Decrease Risk of Dying From Breast Cancer
In an authoritative study, researchers have found that women who decrease fat intake while increasing the number of vegetables and fruit within their diet have a lower risk of dying from breast cancer. Conducted under a clinical trial at the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, the study involved nearly 49,000 women ranging in age from 50 to [...]
What is a Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy?
One of the most daunting parts of a debilitating illness is the notion that your quality of life will never be the same. While many women are certainly grateful to survive illnesses associated with tumor, there is often a stigma associated with deep breast-tissue removal. Fortunately, there are now patient-centered methods of mastectomy that can [...]
What to expect at your first mammogram
When your doctor tells you it's time to schedule your first mammogram you’ll probably have questions on what to expect. Here are some tips and suggestions to help make your first and subsequent appointments as smooth as possible. Early Detection is key. Don’t put off your mammogram. Having a mammogram is one of the [...]
Celebrating Geneticist Mary-Claire King – Discovering the BRCA1 gene
Affecting one in eight women in the United States, the impact of breast cancer touches nearly everyone. We want to celebrate the accomplishments of advocate and geneticist Mary-Claire King, whose ground breaking research revolutionized the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Born in a suburb of Chicago, Mary-Claire King developed an interest in solving mysteries […]
Healthy Nutrition for Breast Cancer Patients and Survivors
A diagnosis of breast cancer can cause many to evaluate their dietary intake and lifestyle. Incorporating a good diet during and after breast cancer treatment is an important factor in improving your energy, strength and overall well-being. Before starting any diet, you may want to consider talking to a dietician to help guide you toward […]
Questions you should ask after diagnosed with breast cancer
After a breast cancer diagnosis, you could face an onslaught of varying emotions that make it difficult to focus. No one is prepared to have the conversation about the next steps. At AiRS, we want to help guide you through a few of the right questions to ask your doctor so that you can make […]