ASPS Patient of Courage

In 2011, Tamara Sieger discovered a lump in the shower at
age 39, just two months after receiving a clear screening
mammogram. Additional screening and an MRI confirmed
she had stage 2, grade 3 highly aggressive invasive ductal
carcinoma, ER+, PR+ and HER2+. She underwent a
mastectomy and multiple reconstruction procedures over
the course of a decade, with her care led by ASPS member
Sumeet Teotia, MD.
Today, Sieger serves as the director of patient services for
Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery (AiRS), where she
recruits and trains patient advocates and volunteers,
develops and manages the patient peer-to-peer mentoring
program, as well as partnering with board-certified plastic
surgeons and facilities to help reduce fees and provide
education, support and hope to women in desperate need.
Read the entire article here:
PSN_Patient of Courage June 22