Diversity Organizations

Organizations for Diversity

All people should have the opportunity to attain the highest level of health regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, socioeconomic status, geography, preferred language, or other factors. These organizations may provide education, resources, advocacy and financial support for particular groups.

Although we have provided a short description, programs and fund availability can change.  Please contact the organization for more information on eligibility and how to apply.

The American Indian Cancer Foundation (AICAF) is a national non-profit organization that was established to address the tremendous cancer inequities faced by Native communities. AICAF is Native-governed; its board members and employees have an array of experience serving the health needs of our people.

Susan G. Komen®, the world’s leading breast cancer organization, has launched the Stand for H.E.R. – A Health Equity Revolution Breast Cancer Impact Report. This transformative report not only exposes the stark breast cancer health disparities faced by Black women in the United States, but also details Komen’s concerted efforts to help dismantle these barriers and foster community relationships to create systemic change.

Latinas Contra Cancer is focused on health equity in the Latine’ community.  They offer support, advocacy and financial assistance.

Mission Plasticos provides Reconstructive Surgery for the uninsured and underinsured living in underserved communities in the US through the “Reshaping Lives America” program. 

Tigerlily Foundation Is A National Women’s Health And Oncology Organization Providing Education, Awareness, Advocacy And Hands-On Support To Young Women (15-45) – Before, During And After Cancer.

Touch: The Black Breast Cancer Alliance drives the collaborative efforts of patients, survivors, advocates, advocacy organizations, health care professionals, researchers and pharmaceutical companies to work collectively, with accountability, towards the common goal of eradicating Black Breast Cancer. 

The Young Survivors Coalition provides education and opportunity for virtual hangouts, meetups, and online support for young survivors and previvors of breast cancer.