Fundraising Ideas (without having an event)

Fundraising Ideas

(without hosting an event)

We’re excited about your interest in raising money for the AiRS Foundation.  Here are some ideas of things you can do on your own.

Baked Goods

 Have a bake sale!  Get several friends to supply packaged baked goods of cookies, brownies, cupcakes, breads, etc… You can set your sale up at a group event or outside of a local store (with permission of course).

Take orders for your specialty.  Pick one item that you make well and advertise it on social media for your local friends.  Things like holiday cookies, breads, pies, cinnamon rolls, etc…  Let people know your cause and set your limit of orders.

Garage Sale

Sell your used items to make money for the AiRS Foundation.  Consider working with multiple families and set up your sale at central location.  Be sure to advertise and let buyers know where the money is going!

Craft Sale

Use your talents to make money for AiRS!  Similar to a bake sale, you can ask your crafty friends to donate items they have made to be sold at a gathering or outside of a local store (with permission).  Are you good at making a particular item?  Offer your item for sale online to friends!  Consider your cost for supplies when setting the sale price and remember to tell people your cause.

Craft item ideas (just a few of so many): hot cocoa mix, soup mixes in a jar, sugar scrubs, bath bombs, sewn items, wreaths, holiday decorations, candles,  soaps, jewelry, blankets, etc…


Design a t-shirt you can sell to raise money!  Consider a holiday, school, special quote, or other theme and design a shirt you can sell to friends and family.  You can work with a local shirt printer and ask for a discount.  Keep the cost down and set your shirt price to make a profit as the donation amount.  Be sure to let people know your cause!