Apply for Grant
Alliance in Reconstructive Surgery (AiRS) Foundation Policy for grants to individuals
Due to recent funding issues, we have made the difficult decision to pause our grant program for areola tattooing. We will continue accepting applications for breast reconstruction surgery grants.
AiRS recommends using a computer to apply instead of a mobile phone due to the amount of data entry and uploads required.
Need help with your application?
To contact our application support team visit, email or call +1 (800) 278-8762.
Requirements to Apply:
Reside within the United States
Have been diagnosed with breast cancer or breast cancer genetic mutation
Applying within 1-4 months of surgery and have received a written estimate from your surgeon/provider
Surgeon is in-network unless there is a justifiable reason why you must go out of network
Income requirements: 175% of Federal Poverty Guidelines (see chart below)
AiRS does not provide grants for living expenses. For living expenses or other needs during breast cancer or breast reconstruction, please visit

If you exceed these income requirements, you may still apply, but will be required to provide documentation to demonstrate financial hardship (Detailed list of monthly income and expenses). Applications without this documentation will not be considered.